BRAIN IN LOVE - Dhanashri Shinde “Love” ! After reading the word you started to imagine your specific person, started to feel romantic; oh! Sorry I just forgot about that romantic song is playing in your mind, and I know you’re also dancing with your person. Sounds romantic, isn’t it! Love isn’t just a word; it’s just a beautiful feeling. But the value of love , definition of love varies from person to person; for someone is a beautiful feeling, it's a pain, for someone it's just a physical attraction, for someone it’s an attachment, for someone its whole world, for someone is the beautiful song & for someone is just a heart touching poem. Many authors write on love , many poets make a poem on love . Love can make you happy, foolish, obsessed, distracted, passionate, exhausted or pretty or much everything in between. So it should come to as little surprise that falling in love does quite a number on your brain . When you fall in love with som...